Stone Cold Cover Image

Stone Cold
by Andrea Kane

About The Book

Andrea Kane's story Stone Cold

Lindsey Hall is an architect and the illegitimate daughter of millionaire business mogul Harlan Falkner. When Harlan dies, he leaves Lindsey a mansion that, restored, would be a dream-come-true for her mother. But accepting it could be deadly for Lindsey. So who wants her out of the picture-- Harlan's legitimate children or wealthy real estate developer Nicholas Warner? And how far will that person go to keep her from accepting her inheritance?

Read The Excerpt

(taken from Andrea Kane's story Stone Cold)

The ringing of the telephone jolted Lindsey out of a deep sleep.

Her bedroom was pitch black. She blinked, trying to focus on the digits of the alarm clock as she groped for the phone. Three thirty-five. Who in God's name would be calling at this hour?

Abruptly, the cobwebs in her mind cleared, and her gut clenched. Her mother's flight. It had taken off six and a half hours ago. It couldn't have arrived yet. Oh God, could something have happened?

She snatched up the receiver. "Hello?"

"Sell it," a gravelly voice commanded.

"What?" Whatever Lindsey had expected, it hadn't been this. She sat bolt upright, her heart slamming against her ribs. "What did you say?"

"The manor," the gravelly voice continued. "Sell it. Cancel your plans. Forget about Newport tomorrow. Keep quiet about your bloodline. You'll get rich and stay healthy. Do yourself a favor-- sell."


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Andrea Kane